Pictured above: Alla Sherman & Mark Ingerman of Philly KiDZ

On July 14th and July 21st, Mullaney Tennis Foundation will host a Youth Tennis Clinic for the children of “Philly KiDZ Initiative”.
Participating will be 80 youth, hosted for two days, ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Philly KiDZ Initiative is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of programs after school and in the summer for youth to support their learning and development. The events will be held at the Doylestown Tennis Club. The day will consist of a morning of on-court instruction and off-court tennis activities, followed by a pizza party lunch.

The Foundation would like to thank the following for partnering with us to provide this fun day for youth who otherwise would not experience tennis. We could not have done this without you.

  • Doylestown Tennis Club for donating the courts and volunteer coaches
  • True North Pediatrics for supplying medical staff for our event and “camp” T-shirts for all the children and staff
  • Middle States Tennis Association for providing the pizza and some teaching aides
  • Wegmans for their contribution of water bottles and paper products
  • 2MinuteTennis for outstanding and entertaining tennis videos for the kids by Coach Ryan Reidy

We are looking for Volunteers to help on these days. Sign up to volunteer here.