On November 1, 2023, the Foundation awarded its first scholarship. The recipient is Shawn. Shawn is a fine young man and a good student dedicated to his studies. He loves history and is an avid Eagles fan. But his passion is tennis! He tried some other sports, but when he tried tennis he said he loved it and is happiest when he is on the court. Shawn’s goal is to play for his high school’s team in the spring and to play tennis in college. Currently he is drilling with other teens at the Doylestown Tennis Club and playing as much as possible. We are happy to support Shawn’s efforts and look forward to cheering him on when he plays for the team.

Game, set, win, Shawn!


Pictured above (l to r) Karen Mullaney and Lisbet Christiansen, board members, Shawn and Jill, Shawn’s mother

Pictured above (l to r) Karen Mullaney and Lisbet Christiansen, board members, Shawn and Jill, Shawn’s mother